October Photo A Day Challenge – Week Three

Welcome to my week 3 of  Fat Mum Slim’s Photo a Day challenge for October. Kinda falling out of love with it this week – must be hump-week sure I’ll feel different next week.

Day 15: Dinnertime
Lovely David and an ice-cream dinner, yum!

Day 16: Something you wrote

This list! Also visible, my nail art challenge list.

Day 17: Fruit
My gorgeous pineapple charm on my Pandora bracelet. Check out the glittery nails too!

Day 18: Made you smile today
New winter pjammies! Love this wolfie dressed up for snow.

Day 19: Letters
So wasn’t sure whether to take a photo of letters as in font or letters as in post. So here’s both!

Day 20: 4 o’clock
At 4 o’clock I was on the bus. Scared to take a picture of the nutcases on the bus so snapped what I was looking at, the seat in front of me.

Day 21: Calm
Flowers are calming. These are my mum’s orchids. Blooming lovely!

You can see my week one here and week two here. Follow me on Instagram @AlleyHope to see how I’m doing over the rest of the month. Also check out @fatmumslim and the hashtag #FMSPhotoaday to see more entries to the challenge and to keep up to date with future challenges. One week (and 3 days) to go!

2 responses to “October Photo A Day Challenge – Week Three

  1. Pingback: October Photo A Day Challenge – Week Four | AlleyHope

  2. Pingback: October Photo A Day Challenge – Week Four (& a bit) | AlleyHope

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