#BEDM | Inside & Out Book Tag

I always loved reading as a child. I spent far more time reading books than I do nowadays that I have magazines and the internet. I used to take part in summer reading challenges at our local library where I’d read over 30 books during the schools holidays and I was delighted when they let me start taking books from the teenage section two years early. So today under the “best thing about childhood” prompt I thought I would do a book tag. I found this one at BooksBiscuitsandTea which seemed fun. It was originally created by Youtuber MathomBooks and I think has been floating about for around a year.

Book shelves

Inside flap/back of the book summaries: Too much information or not enough?
The blurb on the back is usually enough for me. If there is an additional synopsis in the cover I tend not to read it. I also never read the pages of praise for the author at the front either. I’ll decide, ta very much.

New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: audio book, e-book, paperback or hardcover?
Paperback please! I love reading on my Kindle, books tend to be cheaper and easier to get (Amazon 1-click, you are dangerous!) but I do miss having the physical book. I love hardcover editions and will buy them, but more for displaying my favourite books, they’re a bit impractical to read. I’ve only ‘read’ one  audio book – Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I did this because it was required reading for uni but I found it impossible to get through, the audio book made it pretty funny though, the reader was so over dramatic.

Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, taking notes, making comments, or do you keep your books clean?
I’ve only ever written in textbooks for uni, never in books I’m reading for enjoyment. I hate the idea of this – you’re ruining it for other people! Textbooks don’t matter so much, other people’s note could serve as a study aid but never, never novels. I don’t make notes in a separate book while I’m reading either – to me that’s like pausing a film to write down what someone says. Just enjoy it!

In your best voice, read for us your favourite first sentence from a book.
“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” – Rebecca, Daphne Du Murier.

Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you’re deciding on a book? What if you’re unsure of the author’s gender?
No, don’t be so sexist!

Ever read ahead? Or have you read the last page before you got there?
This is something I used to do as a child all the time. I barely read books in order, I was that much of a cheater. But I’ve since grown out of my impatience and am happy to let the author decide when my curiosities will be satisfied.

Organised bookshelves or outrageous bookshelves.
Organised, particularly the ones that are not behind cupboard doors. Don’t want the place to look a mess! When I have a bigger place and more books I will have colour coded shelves. That is happening.

Under oath: Have you ever bought a book based on the cover alone?
Only all the time! I think graphic design is extremely important and a good cover can tell you all you need to know about a book. Case in point: Where’d you go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple.

Take it outside to read or stay in? 
Since I live in Scotland, mostly stay in. Although perhaps if I take A Song of Ice and Fire outside I’ll gain a better affinity for the Nights Watch. I do like to read outside while on holiday in sunnier climes though. Mostly I read in the bath or in bed. Somewhere cosy.

How about you? Let me know if you have done this tag, I’d love to read it, or leave your responses in the comments below.

11 thoughts on “#BEDM | Inside & Out Book Tag

  1. Kendwy @mindofkiwi says:

    I love this tag! I may do it also:) books are amazing! I love the feel of a book in my hands also. I have a Nook and hardly use it😦
    I agree that the cover is very important. It needs to grab my attention

    • AlleyHope says:

      Glad you enjoyed it! Too many people take the saying “never judge a book by it’s cover” too literally; always judge a book by it’s cover I say!

  2. The Beauty Deputy says:

    Love this tag! I love reading, but lately haven’t been able to find time for it! But, I think that I am going to do this tag because I love the questions!

  3. Amy says:

    I love these questions, so I answered them myself! It’s interesting reading other people’s answers… http://fluffyowlsadventures.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/bedm-26th-inside-and-out-book-tag.html

  4. Gemma Oxford says:

    I have Moranthology and Make Up Masterclass:) Jemma Kidd is an amazing artist and I learned loads of techniques from her x

    • AlleyHope says:

      I’m going to see Caitlin Moran in July, so excited! I love the Jemima Kidd book too – got it in my local charity shop for £3 – score!:)

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