Tech | Collect App

Tech AppToday I would like to share a quick app review with you. Collect is the app I have been using for my picture a day challenge this year. Since finishing the FatMumSlim photo a day challenge last year I didn’t want to repeat the challenge and post everyday on Instagram. With this app, I am still collecting a photo every day but I can now be more selective with what I post on Instagram – something I really like.

Collect App month viewWhen you open Collect you are greeted by a calendar view, above you can see my completed January and work-in-progress February. To add a picture you simply tap on the date square and it gives you the option to take a picture in the app or select from your camera roll.

Collect App day viewYou give your picture a name and a description as well as any tags (if you want). The name and the description appear on either side of the date card that it creates, while the tags make your pictures searchable.

To encourage you, you can set a notification to remind you to take your picture for the day – mine is at 18:05 for some reason. You can have multiple albums or add multiple pictures to the same date. If you download the Pro version for £1.49 you can also export the picture to your camera roll, create videos and collages.

All in all, it’s a pretty nifty app. I like the calendar view which encourages you not to allow any missed days. I also love the notification, we all need reminders sometimes! It also checks the metadata on your picture so no cheating and uplaoding a previous day’s picture – guilty!

Are you doing a photo a day challenge? How are you staying on track?

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