Lottie London So Gel Top Coat | Better than Seche Vite?

Lottie So Gel Topcoat

Lottie So Gel Topcoat

Lottie So Gel Topcoat

I can’t remember who I saw talking about this top coat on You Tube (it may have been Miss Budget Beauty), but whoever they were, they mentioned that this might be a good alternative for Seche Vite so I ran out the door (almost) to try it.

Lottie London is available at Superdrug and the So Gel topcoat is priced at Β£7.99. I picked it up along with two of their nail polishes as it was on 3 for 2. I’ve never tried any of their products before so I was keen to try a couple of different finishes. I chose ‘Hit Refresh’ a nude pink creme and ‘No Limits’ a rose gold glitter strand top coat.

Lottie So Gel Topcoat

Lottie So Gel Topcoat

I really struggled to get decent photos due to the (lack of) winter light so apologies for that. Hopefully you can see though that the top coat gives a glorious shine. It really is great, I was very impressed. It has a slight plumping effect that you can also build up if you like – I used two coats to have a glass-like effect without being too thick. This mani lasted me a week and I’m sure a lot of that was down to the top coat. It definitely does not dry as quickly as Seche Vite and is a lot thinner so it depends on if you like these qualities whether you will like it better. In my opinion, the major benefit is that So Gel doesn’t shrink! This was always a major peeve with Seche Vite for me and put me off repurchasing. So in my opinion, So Gel is better and my current number 1 top coat. Plus it’s a couple of quid cheaper. Win win!

What is your favourite top coat?


3 thoughts on “Lottie London So Gel Top Coat | Better than Seche Vite?”

  1. I also saw mbb review and was really excited to try it as I love their colours! I think I must have got a dodgy bottle as mine still wasn’t dry after 40 minutes, I’ve tried it 5 or 6 times and every time it’s been the same!

  2. Beautiful colour! I just restarted my blog and was hoping you’d take a look:


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