#BEDM | Edinburgh Napier Photography Degree Show

I know that for today’s Blog Every Day in May post we are supposed to be talking about our own talents and what makes us unique, well, I don’t know about you, but lifestyle blogging can get a bit ‘me, me, me’ sometimes, and frankly, I’m tired of talking about myself. So instead I’m going to encourage you to go out and appreciate other people’s talents.

On Saturday I had the pleasure of visiting my old learning haunt,  Edinburgh Napier University’s Merchiston Campus to check out the Photography Degree Show.

Lisa Boyd

Lisa Boyd, Mods: Olya Tyukova, Circus Kids.

Louise Anne Kennedy

Louise Anne Kennedy, Lolitas.

Donna Clarke

Olya Tyukova, Circus Kids: Donna Clarke, Over a Century.

James Parker

Thomas Hofer, This Must be the Place : Carmen Haigh, Simulacra (just seen).

My photos obviously do them no justice so you’ll have to go in to see some really great work from these promising photographers. After the whole community has been shaken by news of the GSA fire, we should really be making a conscious effort to show support to our creative students. The Napier Photography students are currently raising money to take their work to a gallery in London, here’s the link if you’d like to donate to them. The Degree Show is only on until 1st June so hurry.

At this time of year there are Degree Show exhibitions all over the UK and I really urge you to go to one. You may just meet the next Rankin.

2 thoughts on “#BEDM | Edinburgh Napier Photography Degree Show

  1. Beth @plasticrosaries says:

    I’d spend my life visiting shows like this if I could -I absolutely adore photography (when other people are doing it). Some of these pieces look fascinating. I like the look of Over a Century particularly.

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