A Mag Education | The April Edition

April MagazinesRather excitingly, the April magazines saw the long-awaited return of the freebies! And it was a good offering too. Company coughed up a (unbranded) mascara – it looks OK. Cosmo gave the choice of Model Co products including a nude lipliner (the one I went for and like very much), lipgloss and eyeliner and a 25% discount card for H&M. Meanwhile Elle won the race with a full size Wonder Balm from Percy and Reed. It’s described as a primer for your hair and I love it and would consider purchasing.

Company April 2014 Company April 2014Aw poor Gemma! Since the MySpace years, brands, bands and baddies have been pilfering photos off the interwebs. Always bad. Kinda worse if you become the poster girl for a band called The Mingers. Let that be a warning!

April CompanySo designers sent plastic bags down the runway. What?! Not very green now is it?

Elle April 2014 Elle April 2014Three cheers for the Editor of Elle. If you believe in equal rights for men and women, you’re a feminist. That’s it. Simple. People hate the term but it doesn’t mean anything beyond that! It’s not necessarily radical. Shame that Elle’s cover girl Katie Holmes doesn’t seem to understand that and got extremely uncomfortable when asked if she was a feminist. Groan.

Elle April 2014I love the idea that reading page 99 will reveal if you’ll like the book. Will be trying this next time I’m in Waterstones.

Cosmopolitan April 2014 Cosmo April 2014It was nice that Cosmo featured a same-sex couple in a regular feature to celebrate the first same-sex marriages. Hopefully this could become a regular thing instead of a novelty.

Cosmo April 2014Whaaat? The gender pay gap means that effectively women work for free from the 7th November?! Or from 4pm every day?! The pay gap has always seemed a bit abstract to me but this brought it into sharp focus. Still not a feminist?

Glamour April 2014 Glamour 2014 AprilThe story of how Rachel paid tribute to her mum by hiding postcards around Paris was really touching. It must have been amazing to start receiving emails from the people who found them and to know that complete strangers care about your story.

Glamour April 2014Situations when the customer is never right? practically always. Yeah, you, random angry woman who shouted at me for 10 minutes because I wouldn’t let your 15-year-old daughter into an 18 certificate film with you. Sorry I didn’t give her free vodka either!

Love you magazines, see you for May.




4 thoughts on “A Mag Education | The April Edition

  1. Gemma Oxford says:

    Lovely round up post Alley, I bought Company purely for Zoella but ended up really enjoying it as it was a london special so added a few places to visit to my list! Mascara was naff though, havent even opened it. Loved the percy and reed but I love all their products and am subscribed to Elle :)

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