Models Own – Indian Ocean

Models own Indian OceanModels Own’s ‘Indian Ocean’ is definitely not a nail polish I would normally pick up. However, when I saw someone (months ago, don’t know who) layer it over dark nail polish it shot straight to the top of my must have list. A sheer, pale blue in the bottle with pink shimmer, it transforms into an intense purple, glowing delight when teamed with a dark colour.

Models Own Indian OceanI used Nails Inc ‘Motcomb Street’ which is a very dark navy. The beauty of this combination is that both polishes only needed one coat each. Yey!

I don’t really have much to say about this,I just wanted to share it as I love it so much. I couldn’t stop staring at my nails when I was wearing it. I’m really glad I picked it up.

Do you have ‘Indian Ocean’? What do you wear it with?

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